The Peabody Education Foundation (PEF) Grants program is thrilled to announce that this school year, it has provided over $50,000 in funding to support programs that will benefit students in our community! The PEF Grant Committee was excited to receive applications...
We recently teamed up with the Peabody Cultural Collaborative (PCC) to bring a new arts-based learning program to our elementary schools in Peabody! Young Adults of Massachusetts (YAMA) provides educational programs that educate, inspire, and empower youth through...
The Peabody Education Foundation recently awarded a PEF Grant to the Fifth Grade students at the West Memorial School. This grant allowed teacher Bonnie Chenette to purchase two Wonder Robot Kits to help students learn coding in a hands-on and fun way. This set will...
We are excited to present our 2018 Torigian Best Bet Award to Kathy Pingree and Patricia Gaffney for their program “First Aid & CPR/AED Certification.” Wellness 3 students at PVMHS (typically juniors) receive instruction on First Aid and CPR/AED use...
On April 12th, 2018, the Peabody Education Foundation received a very generous donation of $1,000 from North Shore Bank! 100% of this donation will be going directly to our Best Bet Program which helps fund resources and programs that are outside of the regular school...
This year, The Peabody Education Foundation received the largest amount of Best Bet grant applications to date. Last year, we received 53 applications, this year we received nearly 70 grant applications from teachers and faculty throughout the Peabody school...