As students began to head back to the classrooms after the COVID restrictions were lifted, our foundation wanted to welcome them back with fun activities! We worked with Peabody teachers and faculty to find out what activities would be the most beneficial for the students as they re-entered the classrooms. Our foundation funded jump ropes, chalk, frisbees and other fun activities for students that they can use during recess and free time. We were able to purchase these activities for all of the elementary schools in Peabody!
Peabody Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Chris Lord, saw the value and benefits that the activities provided to the students and sent our foundation a few thank you messages and photos from the students! Check them out below!
Our foundation has been working hard to provide any resource we can to help our Peabody teachers and students adjust back to a normal school life. Earlier this year, we started our Help Us Help Our Kids initiative where we are collecting funds from the community to help ease the financial burden currently faced by the Peabody school department. Click below to read more about our initiative or to donate to our cause!