
PEF Selected as May 2024 Beneficiary of Shaw’s GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Reusable Bag Program
For the month of May 2024, whenever a $3.00 GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Reusable Bag is purchased at the Shaw’s located at 128 Essex Center Drive, Peabody, $1 will be donated to the PEF.

North Shore Bank Continues to Support Our Mental Wellness Initiative
North Shore Bank Chief Executive Officer, Kevin M. Tierney, Sr., recently met with representatives from our Foundation to present us with a $25,000 contribution to our Mental Wellness Initiative.

PEF Mental Wellness Initiative Presents Kids Kindness Club
In its on-going efforts to provide resources to the Peabody schools through its Mental Wellness Initiative, the Peabody Education Foundation is pleased to announce that the “Kids Kindness Club” will be coming to all elementary schools beginning this fall!

PEF Funds Bracelets for Peabody School Safety Task Force’s Hashtag Contest
The PEF funded bracelets for a hashtag contest held by members of the Peabody School Safety Task Force to promote student safety.

PEF Birthday Book Program Receives Funding From JB Thomas-Lahey Foundation
The PEF is pleased to announce that the JB Thomas-Lahey Foundation will once again be funding the Birthday Book Program for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year!

PEF Selected as Jan. 2023 Beneficiary of Shaw’s GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Reusable Bag Program
The PEF is thrilled to be selected as a beneficiary of the Shaw’s GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Reusable Bag Program for January 2023!

PEF Receives $25,000 Donation from North Shore Bank
On GivingTuesday 2022, we received a $25,000 donation from our friends at North Shore Bank to help support our Mental Wellness Initiative!

Celebrating #GivingTuesday on Nov 29
The Peabody Education Foundation will once again be joining the #GivingTuesday movement, which takes place on November 29, 2022. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 to encourage people to do good. Since then, millions of organizations across the globe come together to...
Check out our Newsletter!
North Shore Bank Continues to Support Our Mental Wellness Initiative
North Shore Bank Chief Executive Officer, Kevin M. Tierney, Sr., recently met with representatives from our Foundation to present us with a $25,000 contribution to our Mental Wellness Initiative.
PEF Birthday Book Program Receives Funding From JB Thomas-Lahey Foundation
The PEF is pleased to announce that the JB Thomas-Lahey Foundation will once again be funding the Birthday Book Program for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year!
In Loving Memory
Cara Murtagh | In Loving Memory
Cara Murtagh passed away unexpectedly on Friday, November 29th, 2019. Cara spent 23 years within Peabody Public Schools including teaching at St. Johns the Baptist, becoming Vice Principal and Principal of the Carroll School, Principal of the Center School, Assistant...
John E. Murtagh
John E. Murtagh, Sr., died peacefully on Saturday December 17, 2016 at the Masconomet Regional Health and Skilled Nursing Facility in Topsfield, following an extended illness, while in the comforting presence of his family.
Denise M. Shambos
Denise M. Shambos of Peabody, passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, July 2, 2015.
Patricia Powers
Patricia Powers passed away March 4th, 2015 after a courageous battle with Cancer.
M. Eunice (Sheridan) Smyrnios
M. Eunice (Sheridan) Smyrnios, died peacefully on Tuesday November 4, 2014.
Peabody Education Foundation
The Peabody Education Foundation provides unique programs and advanced technology to thousands of students and teachers who might otherwise not enjoy such experiences due to budget constraints.
P.O. Box 233
Peabody, MA 01960