The Peabody Education Foundation Grants Program is excited to announce that the Peabody Education Foundation, along with the JB Thomas/Lahey Foundation, will be funding Birthday Books for every elementary school student Grades K-5 this school year! The project, which will cost $15,000 to fund books for the approximately 3,000 elementary school students, will provide students with a brand-new book on their birthday, with the goal of fostering literacy and the love of reading. Books will be distributed by each school to their own students and each student will receive a Happy Birthday Sticker.
Peabody Superintendent of Schools, Josh Vadala, thanked both foundations for offering this new program to the elementary students in Peabody. He highlighted the importance of promoting literacy while making every student feel special on their birthday.
Huge thanks to the Peabody Education Foundation and the JB Thomas/Lahey Foundation for making this possible. Having worked in an elementary school, I can tell you firsthand that helping kids to feel special on their birthday means so much more than you could ever imagine. Our city is extremely diverse, and we know that many students have extremely different experiences on their birthdays. This grant program will make every elementary student in the Peabody Public Schools feel special and important on their birthday and it will help promote literacy skills. I cannot thank you all enough for bringing this incredible gift to our students. – Josh Vadala, Peabody Superintendent of Schools
The Peabody Education Foundation provides unique programs and advanced technology to thousands of students who might otherwise not enjoy such experiences due to budget constraints. Our programs are intended to benefit and guide children as they develop into successful citizens and leaders. With the support of our community, we are able to continue offering programs to encourage creativity and inspiration in Peabody’s students.
If you would like to make a donation to help fund our programs, please click below to visit our donation page. 100% of all donations raised go directly to our Peabody students and teachers!