We are excited to share that the Peabody Education Foundation has once again been selected to be a part of the Shaw’s GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Reusable Bag Program! The Shaw’s GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Reusable Bag Program is designed to make it easy for customers to contribute to their local community while supporting the environment.

For the entire month of May 2021, each time a $2.50 reusable GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Bag is purchased at the Shaw’s located at 210 Andover, Peabody MA (North Shore Mall), $1 will be donated to the Peabody Education Foundation, unless otherwise directed by the customer through the Giving Tag. This is a great way to raise awareness, support the environment and fundraise for our cause!

The Peabody Education Foundation is delighted to be selected as the recipient of this outstanding opportunity and encourages Peabody residents to rally and support our children by helping them fulfill their dreams and open their passports to the future by showing your support. The more people who learn about the program, the more money we will raise for our Peabody Public School children!


Month: May 2021
Location: Shaw’s 210 Andover Street, Peabody MA (North Shore Mall)

All you have to do to get involved is purchase a GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS BAG at the Shaw’s located at 210 Andover Street, Peabody MA (North Shore Mall).

The bags are available at various registers and at the reusable bag rack. If you are having trouble finding the bag, ask the store manager where the Shaw’s GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Bag is located and they will be happy to show you! The cost is $2.50, with $1 of that purchase price going to support a benefiting non-profit.

For more information on the Shaw’s GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Program, visit shaws.bags4mycause.com