Peabody High School graduate, Kassidy Butt, has been chosen as the first winner of our Cara E. Murtagh Memorial Scholarship. Kassidy was chosen based on numerous accomplishments in the areas of academics, community service and leadership. She has shown her interest within the education field through volunteering as a teacher aid in preschool classrooms as well as pursuing Early Childhood Education within her academic studies. Her positive attitude and passion for helping others made Kassidy a perfect pick for this scholarship. This fall, Kassidy will be attending Endicott College and will be studying Elementary Education.
The Cara E. Murtagh Memorial Scholarship was established by our foundation as a way to honor Cara’s memory. Cara was an active member of our foundation where she spearheaded many of our programs and events. After her passing, the Murtagh Family had generously asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to help support our mission of enhancing the quality of education for the school children of Peabody. Donations came in from across the country, attesting to the love and admiration that so many shared for her.
Cara will always be remembered for her kind and loving personality, her enthusiasm and flawless attention to detail, and ability to develop strong relationships with students, teachers and administrators. Kassidy is also known for similar qualities and will clearly follow the career path she has chosen. She will be a strong advocate for all children and will impart the importance of a good education on every child she encounters.
We wish Kassidy and the entire class of 2020 the best of luck as they begin their college careers!
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Kassidy Butt receives first Murtagh scholarship – Salem News
Murtagh Memorial Scholarship Winner Announced – Itemlive
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