Last week, more than 1,000 Peabody elementary students accompanied their parents to the polls and cast their own votes as part of the KidsVoting program, sponsored by the Peabody Education Foundation (PEF). PEF volunteers staffed the city’s polls on Election Day at special Kids Voting tables, provided ballots and curriculum to elementary schools, and compiled the kids’ voting results.
In the presidential race, the students voted almost 2 to 1 in favor of the Obama/Biden ticket. Obama received 617 votes to Romney’s 318. Unlike their parents, the students picked Tisei for U.S. Representative, with 418 votes in Tisei’s favor over 388 votes for Tierney. Scott Brown won the students’ votes for U.S. Senator.
The complete results from the Peabody Education Foundation’s Kids Voting USA program are as follows:
Johnson & Gray 7
Obama & Biden 617
Romney & Ryan 318
Stein & Honkala 13
U.S. Senator
Brown 604 Vs
Warren 305
U.S. Representative
Tierney 388
Tisei 418
Fishman 81
Governor’s Council
Ciardiello 501
Duff 336
State Senator
Jolitz 244
Lovely 616
State Rep. 12th Essex
Spiliotis 638
State Rep. 13th Essex
Speliotis 66
Bennet 52
The PEF would like to thank all those who volunteered their time to help out with the KidsVoting on Election Day, as well as the parents and students who came by to cast their votes!