As the new school year kicks into high gear, the Peabody Education Foundation once again encourages Peabody’s teachers to apply for Best Bet grants, which fund resources, materials, and programs that the school budget cannot accommodate. Applications and instructions are located on our website: The deadline for applications is November 2, 2011, and grant recipients will be announced in late November. Any questions can be directed to Katrina Gravel: 978-538-9055 x120.
The Best Bet program is open to all teachers in the Peabody public school system. Past grants have funded programs such as a trip to the library, Holocaust Legacy Partners Visit the Higgins, Plimoth Plantation trips, and Bullying Prevention through Puppetry, and have provided educational materials such as Discovery Education Streaming, Kindergarten Thematic Learning Centers, and Mastering Multiplication in 10 and 10. The Peabody Education Foundation and the Best Bet Committee encourage teachers to think outside the box and support creative application concepts; the committee awards the Peter A. Torigian Best Bet award to the most innovative grant each year.
Good luck to all those applying for a Best Bet grant this year, and thank you for your support!